Sonoma County Newborn Photography Session - Baby Avery

Oh, Baby Avery.

What a sweet girl she is. Her parents were so open and willing and this makes my job so easy! It’s hard having a newborn, trust me, I know! I have 3 kiddos of my own and I’m pregnant with my fourth (I know, it’s nuts!). I understand all of the emotions, the sleepless nights, the agony of trying to nurse, the adjustment is just so overwhelming but also so beautiful. I get it! When I show up to a newborn session, I’m there to take photos yes, but I’m also there to help. Mama ate her apple while I took photos of her babe and she got to sit for a second. I love this part of my job just as much as the photography side. It’s really nice to get there and take a load from mom and dad. That being said, Taylor and Mitch were clearly awesome new parents and baby Avery was just perfect. Their home was well lit, perfectly decorated and I was in “lifestyle, in-home newborn” session heaven! Sonoma County has amazing weather (this session was in Petaluma, CA) in the winter so we got lots of light inside the home and this made me so happy! I love capturing sweet details and cuddles, and just let the natural reactions unfold. It’s the sweetest thing to see. Check them out and I hope you enjoy!

Thanks again for viewing!

